Outstanding Holistic Health Resources

Quotes Attributed To Hippocrates, "The Father Of Medicine" (460 BC - 370 BC)

"Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients."

"Positive health requires a knowledge of man's primary constitution and of the powers of various foods, both those natural to them and those resulting from human skill. But eating alone is not enough for health. There must also be exercise, of which the effects must likewise be known. The combination of these two things makes regimen, when proper attention is given to the season of the year, the changes of the wind, the age of the individual, and the situation of his home. If there is any deficiency in food or exercise, the body will fall sick."

"If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health."

"Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear."

"Walking is a man's best medicine."

"Rest as soon as there is pain."

"Nature itself is the best physician."

"Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food."

"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well."

"If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool."

— Hippocrates

Health Guidelines From Near-Death Experiences

“People who have had NDEs tend to be especially sensitive to their physical environment after they return. They are less able to tolerate anything that is inconsistent with the intensely vital, life-giving energy of the other realm. Thus, they have more adverse reactions to pharmaceuticals, other drugs, and alcohol than previously. Many avoid foods that contain chemicals or artificial sweeteners and prefer organic foods instead. Some become vegetarians. They seek out nature and fresh air. This sensitivity extends to sounds. Many NDEs include music, and NDErs typically feel drawn to music that resonates with their experience. They prefer natural, gentle, melodious sounds and take more pleasure than before in classical or soothing music. They dislike loud, jarring noise.”

“When NDErs return, they tend to gravitate toward whatever is most consistent with physical wholeness, and they usually treat their bodies with greater love and care. For example, they are attracted to alternative medicine, perhaps because it tries to help the body remember its innate wisdom and balance by working with the body’s energy systems, rather than by manipulating the body with drugs. Perhaps this shift is a reflection of a change in the energetic frequency of the NDEr, who has returned from an immersion in the highest frequencies of the universe. The person will then be drawn toward what matches that higher frequency. Alternative medicine may be a better match because it emphasizes energetic (or frequency-based) methods of healing… Thus, when NDErs try to avoid chemicals in the form of pharmaceuticals, perhaps they are simply seeking out what best matches them and avoiding what does not.

“Similarly, non-organic food has usually been treated with chemicals that are alien to and unrecognizable by the body. These chemicals degrade the food’s natural energy, whereas whole organic foods retain more of the energy of life. Since we are made of energy in the form of light, our bodies know the difference. NDErs may be more consciously aware of and sensitive to the energy in substances such as food, since they are likely more aware of the energy in the form of light that constitutes themselves and all things. Thus, NDErs may change their diet. They may also make other changes, such as giving up smoking or drinking, exercising more, and living as close to the earth as possible.”

— The Gifts of Near-Death Experiences: You Don’t Have to Die to Experience Your True Home, by Sheila Fabricant Linn, Dennis Linn, Matthew Linn

“Remind Them To Go To Nature”

Outstanding Holistic Health Resources:

Sunfellow Health & Healing Resource Page
COVID-19 Healing Resources
The Miracle Vitamin – Vitamin C
The Miracle Vitamin – Vitamin D
Honey Resource Page
The Wim Hof Method
Dr. Joseph Mercola Resource Page
Treating Breast Cancer Holistically
How To Mitigate The Infant Formula Disaster (Includes Healthy Infant Formula Recipe)
Kidney Stones: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
Vaccine Resource Page
COVID-19 Healing Resources
Scientists Reverse Aging In Mice & Seek To Do The Same For Humans

The Power Of Nature To Heal
The Healing Power Of Dreams
Lucid Dreaming Notes & Quotes
Radical Remissions, Mind Over Matter, The Power Of Placebos
Near-Death Experiences & Miraculous Healings

General Holistic Health Practices v1.3

• Intermittent fasting (14-18 hours daily fasting is best)
• Vitamin D (15-20 minutes of sunlight on your skin every day)
• Breathe fresh air (don’t obstruct breathing by wearing masks)
• Drink lots of clean, purified water (avoid tap water)
• Eat all organic food (avoid all pesticides and additives)
• Avoid all processed oils and packaged foods
• Make fresh organic juices daily
• Avoid cancer-causing, hormone-disrupting chemicals
• Exercise daily (walking is the best exercise)
• Earthing (make direct contact with the Earth daily)
• Spend quality time in nature
• Sleep well (create an environment conducive to sleep)
• Take naps
• Turn off routers (and other electronic devices) before bed
• Avoid electromagnetic energy fields as much as possible
• Deep breathing
• Cold water therapy
• Reduce stress in your life and relationships
• Build and maintain happy, healthy relationships
• Engage in meaningful work (avoid soul-sucking jobs)
• Pray and meditate daily
• Ask your guardian angel (and other spiritual forces) for help
• Remember and work with dreams (work on shadow issues)
• Do something nice for other people every day
• Be nice, thoughtful, present with everyone you encounter
• Lighten up, laugh often, maintain a sense of humor
• Feel and express gratitude daily (make a gratitude list)

General Holistic Health Practices Daily Check List (pdf)

Additional Practices:

• Saunas
• Colonics

The Earthing Movie

15 Health Benefits Of Cold Showers!

The Wim Hof Method (Animated Introduction With Guided Breathing Exercise)

Learn more about Wim Hof and his deep breathing / cold water therapy.

Dr. Mercola: The Complete Guide To Fasting: A Special Interview With Dr. Jason Fung

Learn more about the healing power of fasting and intermittent fasting.

Andrew Saul - Using High Dose Vitamin C To Treat Major Diseases

Learn more about the healing power of Vitamin C.

Dr. Robert Malone: The Remarkable Healing Power Of Vitamin D

Learn more about the healing power of Vitamin D.

Dr. Robert Malone On Depression, Big Pharma, Vitamin D, Sunlight

Learn more about the healing power of Vitamin D.

“My friends, you have to get out, you have to get direct sunlight, the more the better. Sunscreens are actually not your friend in terms of vitamin D. I just want to leave everyone with the understanding that we have options. And what a surprise: They are options that the pharmaceutical companies have done their best to suppress.”

— Dr. Robert Malone

Learn more about the healing power of Vitamin D.

Dr. Ingo Mahn: Using Holistic Dentistry To Obtain Optimal Health

David Hamilton, PhD - The Five Side Effects Of Kindness

Chris Wark - Square One Program - Module 1: First Things First

Learn more about Chris Wark’s beat cancer program.

Learn more about healing cancer in general.

Three Independent Studies Answer This Question: Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?

Learn more about childhood vaccines.

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines.

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